Rawstudio 2.0

Po długim czasie użytkowania Rawstudio w postaci dziennych kompilacji (daily-build), w końcu doczekaliśmy się stabilnego wydania 2.0. Na pewno ucieszy to użytkowników tego świetnego wywoływacza zdjęć RAW, bo oprócz szybkości do której nas ten program przyzwyczaił, zmian jest niesamowicie dużo. Otrzymujemy zatem poprawione demozaikowanie, wyostrzanie, odszumianie, usuwanie hot pikseli, możliwość pracy na dwóch monitorach, zdalną obsługę spustu migawki (tethered), obsługę profili kolorystycznych, obsługę korekcji obiektywów (Lensfun) i tak wiele innych zmian, że aż trudno to wszystko przetłumaczyć przy porannej kawie:

Overall Feature Improvements

Overall re-write of image processing engine to have a render graph for better speed and flexibility
Tethered shooting
Fullscreen display on secondary monitor
Loupe function to see a 100% view of an image in zoom-to-fit view(Ctrl+Left click image)
Navigator image that allow you to navigate the image in 100% view
“Make settings default for camera” sets default values for new images
Reset button to reset a setting
Edit the value of a setting manually
Batch processing done in the background
Much nicer thumbnail display

Color and Adjustments

DNG Color profiles support
Color profiles for more than 300 cameras included
Select different profile per image
Color Mixer added
Support for DNG profiles from Adobe
Exposure done by an exposure ramp, for better exposure compensation look
Contrast much more useful
Curve tool adjusted, and operate on light-component only
Completely color managed workflow.
Selectable colorspace for display, histogram and exposure mask
Better satuation adjustment
Black level estimation done individually per photo if available

Image Quality

Noise Reduction with individual light/color denoise parameters
New, much improved sharpen algorithm
Automatic hot/dead pixel removal
Image resize is now done by a 3-tap Lanczos interpolator for sharper images
Curve adjustment is done by interpolation to avoid posterization

Lens Correction

Automatic lens distortion correction
Vignetting compensation/addition
Chromatic Aberration correction


Support for more than 100 new cameras
Direct (batch) upload of images to Facebook
Direct (batch) upload of images to Flicker
Direct (batch) upload of images to Picasa Web Albums
Ability to select output color profile in the export dialog
EXIF info to output images now much improved
EXIF can be excluded from exported images
Metadata read from non-RAW images
Non-RAW images now read the profiles attached to the images
Highly customizable output filename templates


Internal tag editor to add tags to your images
Tags automatically added from EXIF info
Quick search through all your images
Support for moving your images on your file system without loosing tagging information


Much faster load of image for more than 170 cameras through Rawspeed
Much faster updates of image in 100% view
Color adjustment, Demosaic, Rotate, Resize, Sharpen, Colorspace conversion fully multithreaded
Color adjustment, Rotate, Resize, Sharpen, Colorspace conversion fully implemented in SSE/SSE2
Fastest 100% view of newly opened image of any known viewer
Internal colorspace converter between common colorspaces
Significant speedup on loading directories with more than 1000 images

Rawstudio 2.0

Program można zainstalować po dodaniu repozytorium:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:rawstudio/ppa

… i wykonaniu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install rawstudio

Oczywiście można do tego celu użyć graficznych narzędzi, jak ktoś woli (Synaptic, itp).

3 komentarze

  1. Dobry program do szybkiej obróbki dużej ilości zdjęć – do bardziej zaawansowanej to Darktable albo photivo – ale mają one ogromny apetyt na pamięć i moc procesora 😉

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