Dystrybucja Crunchbang przechodzi do historii

Miał być kolejny weekend z dystrybucją – a jest anons o odejściu kolejnego ciekawego rozwiązania dla zaawansowanych użytkowników. Dystrybucja Crunchbang kończy swoją karierę po jasnym i klarownym stanowisku twórcy – na obecnym firmamencie dystrybucji brak jest już miejsca na takie wyspecjalizowane rozwiązania jak Crunchbang. Zbudowana w oparciu o minimalistyczny menadżer okien Openbox oraz Debiana dystrybucja przegrała konkurencję z innymi lekkimi rozwiązaniami na pulpit.

Czego zabrakło? Trudno powiedzieć, Philip Newborough wyjaśnia słowami:

I have decided to stop developing CrunchBang. This has not been an easy decision to make and I’ve been putting it off for months. It’s hard to let go of something you love.

When I first started working on CrunchBang, the Linux landscape was a very different place and whilst I honestly didn’t know if there was any value to it, I knew there was a place for CrunchBang on my own systems. As it turned out, there seemed to be quite a demand for it on other people’s systems too. I’m not entirely sure why this was the case, but if I had to guess, I would say that it was probably due to the lack of competition/alternatives of the same ilk. If I’m remembering correctly, at the time, there was no LXDE tasksel in Debian and certainly no Lubuntu around. CrunchBang filled a gap and that was nifty.

So, what’s changed?

For anyone who has been involved with Linux for the past ten years or so, I’m sure they’ll agree that things have moved on. Whilst some things have stayed exactly the same, others have changed beyond all recognition. It’s called progress, and for the most part, progress is a good thing. That said, when progress happens, some things get left behind, and for me, CrunchBang is something that I need to leave behind. I’m leaving it behind because I honestly believe that it no longer holds any value, and whilst I could hold on to it for sentimental reasons, I don’t believe that would be in the best interest of its users, who would benefit from using vanilla Debian.

Talking of its users, thank you, you’ve been awesome and you’ve taught me so much, much of which is beyond the scope of this post, but needless to say, I think I’m much wiser now than I was before the existence of CrunchBang and its community of users. I’ve made many friends through the project, which for me, has ultimately been the biggest benefit of the project, and something I’ll be forever grateful for.

I also want to take a few words to thank my wife, Becky, aka bobobex. She has supported me and the project from the outset. Over the years, I’m sure I’ve bored her almost to death with my geeky gobbledygook and she’s never moaned about it once, well, not to me at least. Seriously though, thank you Becky for your support, help and guidance, you’re my rock and I love you.

Regarding what will happen to the CrunchBang forums, they will remain online. Ultimately, they belong to the community and so it will be for the community to decide what happens to them. I’m happy to continue supporting them for as long as need be. I have already expressed my thanks to the forum moderators, privately, but I would like to do so publicly too. Unless you’ve been involved with a project like CrunchBang, I’m not sure you can entirely appreciate the behind-the-scenes work that goes into it. The forum moderators have effectively kept the community running and without them, I’m sure there would not have been a community at all. Over the years, they’ve had to deal with some truly bonkers and poisonous people (seriously, there are some bat-fucking-crazy nutters out there with far too much time on their hands) and they’ve done so with enormous tact, diplomacy and decorum. All the forum mods have my utmost respect, they are an incredible bunch of people.

Obszerne wyjaśnienie rzuca nieco światła na decyzję głównego dewelopera. Postęp jaki dokonał się ostatnimi czasy w dystrybucjach Linuksa czyni bezużytecznymi Crunchbanga i koncepcje jakie stały za tą dystrybucją. Powstały nowe, lepsze i sprawniej zarządzane rozwiązania, a każdy użytkownik Debiania bez problemów poradzi sobie z pracą na SIDzie. Jednocześnie przy życiu zostanie utrzymane forum i pomoc dla użytkowników ostatniej wersji Crunchbang 11 Waldorf. Osobiście uważam taki ruch za stratę dla społeczność opensource – Crunchbang dostarczał wszystkiego co nowoczesne (Debian) i minimalistyczne (Openbox). Samodzielne rzeźbienie takiego środowiska to z pewnością praca na długie wieczory.

A może ktoś podejmie rękawice i dalszy rozwój dystrybucji?