MKVToolNix 10.0.0

Tytułowy zlepek liter jest znany wąskiej grupie odbiorców. Bo ilu z nas konwertowało ostatnimi czasy materiał wideo do formatu MKV? Ano właśnie. Nie widzę, nie słyszę. Niemniej ten konwerter ma wszelkie cechy by propagować MKV i uprzyjemnić niewdzięcznie brzmiący proces konwersji.

MKVToolNIX 10.0.0 – od czego by tu zacząć
Jak można słusznie przypuszczać, MKVToolNix 10.0.0 jest następcą poprzedniej wersji tego projektu. Dla zwykłego użytkownika oznacza to więcej opcji i usunięcie sporej dawki błędów. Jednak gdy spojrzymy na aktualną wersję zmian wydania 10.0.0, to…

* mkvmerge: AVC/h.264 parser: mkvmerge will now drop all frames before the first key frame as they cannot be decoded properly anyway. See #1908.
* mkvmerge: HEVC/h.265 parser: mkvmerge will now drop all frames before the first key frame as they cannot be decoded properly anyway. See #1908.
* mkvmerge: HEVC/h.265 parser: added a workaround for invalid values for the “default display window” in the VUI parameters of sequence parameter sets. Fixes #1907.

… szału nie ma. Postać rzeczy zmienia dopiero fakt, że od początku roku 2017 projekt doczekał się już trzech wydań.

# Version 9.9.0 “Pick Up” 2017-02-19

## New features and enhancements

* GUI: chapter editor: added a character set selection in the preferences for text files. If a character set is selected there, it will be used instead of asking the user when opening text chapter files. Implements #1874.
* GUI: multiplexer: added a column “character set” to the “tracks, chapters and tags” list view showing the currently selected character set for that track. Implements #1873.
* mkvmerge: added an –engage option “all_i_slices_are_key_frames” for treating all I slices of an h.264/AVC stream as key frames in pathological streams that lack real key frames. Implements #1876.
* GUI: running programs after jobs: added a new variable MTX_INSTALLATION_DIRECTORY for the directory the MKVToolNix GUI executable is located in.
* mkvmerge: DVB subtitle tracks whose CodecPrivate data is only four bytes long will now be fixed up to the proper five bytes by adding the subtitling type byte.
* mkvmerge: MP4 reader: “ctts” version 1 atoms are now supported.

# Version 9.8.0 “Kuglblids” 2017-01-22

## New features and enhancements

* mkvmerge: VobSub in Matroska: mkvmerge will now create and use a default index for VobSub tracks read from Matroska files that are missing their CodecPrivate element (which normally contains said index). Implements #1854.
* GUI: added checks for several common problems with the installation. These checks will be executed when the GUI starts, and any problems will be reported to the user.
* mkvmerge: added the ISO 639-2 language codes “qaa” and “qad” (both are titled “reserved for local use”) as both are used often in France. See #1848 for more information.
* mkvmerge: the JSON identification result now includes a track’s codec delay if set (only for Matroska source files). The JSON schema version has been bumped to 6.
* mkvmerge: MPEG TS: added a workaround for files where the subtitle packets are multiplexed properly, but where their timestamps are way off from the audio and video timestamps. Implements #1841.
* mkvmerge: added support for Digital Video Broadcasting (DVB) subtitles (CodecID `S_DVBSUB`). They can be read from MPEG transport streams and from Matroska files. Implements #1843.
* GUI: the update check now uses Qt’s networking classes instead of CURL.
* The command line option “–check-for-updates” has been removed, even though the deprecation warning in release 9.7.0 stated that it would be removed in 2018.

W przypadku takich programów nadpobudliwość rozwojowa jest cechą ze wszech miar wskazaną. I tak też prezentuje się MKVtoolNix.

Jak zainstalować ten konwerter? W przypadku Ubuntu 16.04/16.10/17.04, Minta 18.xx i pochodnych należy wykonać kilka terminalowych łamańców:

wget -q -O - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo sh -c "echo 'deb$(lsb_release -cs)/ ./ ' >> /etc/apt/sources.list"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install mkvtoolnix-gui

Choć wygląda to dramatycznie, jest to zwykłe dodanie repozytoriów do systemu. Niestety, autor nie umieszcza projektu na Launchpadzie, stąd konieczność dodania ich w taki sposób.

W przypadku Arch Linux i Manjaro jak zwykle idziemy na skróty:

sudo pacman -Suy mkvtoolnix-gui